Final Fantasy X – SIN NEAR AIRSHIP (4K) Save Sphere 1: HD Remaster | Episode ~ 138



Hello and welcome back to the one hundred and thirty-eighth episode of this Final Fantasy X HD Remaster playthrough. You wouldn’t believe it, but today is the day that we’re gonna have the final showdown with Sin just as Cid said. Alrighty so, we might grab some Items. We don’t really stock up on Items often so now’s the time. That’ll do. So, there’s additional dialogue for the NPC’s within the Fahrenheit. Nothing too exciting. So, the battle with Sin begins. Sin’s Left Fin! I’ll try and rotate all the characters. Lulu does Doublecast, that’s a first I think. So, It’s four stages for the initial fight and best case scenario we can get four ah, Armor equipment drops.

Cause they should have a Proof attached with three empty slots, which is super ideal. Alright let’s ah, Hastega. Have to redo the Armor Break. Down goes Sin’s Left Fin. Now, taking on Sin’s Right Fin. Down goes Sin’s right Arm. We’re now taking on Sinspawn Genais. Down it goes, almost. Down it goes in It’s shell. Tidus does Blitz Ace on Sin. Solid attack. Down goes Sin, a portion of Sin. Some nice Ability Points gained there. Let’s see what the characters have to say. Good observation there Kimahri. Up to the flight deck we go of the Fahrenheit ship where the true test lies.

We gotta go all the way back to the flight deck where we just were. Hopefully, we don’t get annihilated by Sin. Gotta see how it plays out. That didn’t take long. Can I land anything else? Probably not. Do that. I wanna see if we can break Sin’s Armor before I try Overdrive’s. Okay, that’s a good sound. We’ll try Attack Reels. Yes! Oh wow. Okay, let’s ah, quickly Un-Petrify our guardians here. Auron does Tornado on Sin. Kimahri, Thrust Kick time. Might be better off having Lulu out other than Tidus. And we’ve taken down Sin’s external form. So, we wanna do some Sphere Grid quickly.

Auron uses a Level Three Key Sphere to unlock his path. Alright so, with Wakka, I’ll just quickly learn the Armor Break Ability and then head back this direction. Ah, I shouldn’t have moved so fast then. I realised I just missed a direction. It’s okay. Kimahri learns the Ability Fira. Rikku learns the Ability Thundara and I also need to go back for Rikku. Okay, I also realised I missed a spot there for Lulu. So, we’ll go there before we continue on. Yuna learns the Ability Holy! So, the characters stats and Sphere progression. Plenty to go! So, their’s a ‘Traveller’s Save Sphere‘. I hope you enjoyed this episode and I’ll see you on the next!

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