Grand Theft Auto III – THE FUZZ BALL (4K) The Definitive Edition | Episode ~ 006



Hello and welcome back to our sixth and final episode working with Luigi Goterelli. The last mission with Luigi and this mission is missable if you don’t do it before you do a, a specific mission to advance to the next island. Alright. We got our new ride. Pretty bad ass. Handles pretty well. ‘The Fuzz Ball‘.

So, this mission and the previous mission. I missed when I played this game recently so, this is new to me. So, it looks like it’s a bit more extensive and there is a timer. So, I’m gonna have to hustle. Alright, where are we taking her. Ah yeah. Alright, so this is our drop-off zone. One. No specific order of picking up these classy ladies. That was a copper.

Swear he just ran into me. Nipped the police vehicle again. I don’t even know if I can get down here from here. Where have I gone? Just approaching night-time. We got, I think it’s at least. Does it say only a few I need or do I need to get all of them? Because I don’t think I’ll be able to get ’em all in this timer. No way. Cars sustained a bit of damage. Bit of reckless driving. Not this time copper, I ain’t gonna nip ya.

So there’s three left. I might be lucky to get one more. Oh look at that, we passed it regardless. That’s great! Must of only needed to be a couple of them. Alright, off to save it. Severe damage to our vehicle. Well the good thing is, I get to keep this car for the next episode. And on that note. We’ll store the vehicle. Save the game and I’ll catch you on the next episode.

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