Final Fantasy X – MONSTER CREATION [VORBAN] (4K) Save Sphere 17: HD Remaster | Episode ~ 162



Hello and welcome back to the one hundred and sixty-second episode of this Final Fantasy X HD Remaster playthrough. We’re gonna switch in Auron to quickly take out the One-Eye so we can get our fourth Triple AP Weapon drop that we need, and One-Eye sneaks an attack in. Let’s see how this ends. Okay so, we got a Durandal. We really need to hope that it has two vacant slots here. And it does, yes! Okay, let’s not equip it, let’s hold on to that for a sec. Ah so, for today’s (let’s re-heal) Monster Creation and our fifteenth Monster, and also the last in the Area Conquest. We’ll be challenging Vorban and we’re gonna Banishing Blade it straight up. It should have broken It’s Armor. And Wakka will land the final blows, unless It’s got a heap of HP. There we go ah, it gave us two Friend Sphere. So now, typical farming starting with Kottos. Tidus will apply a Mana Distiller and we got two Mana Sphere, that can happen sometimes. We’re just gonna do that again. It’s a shame, but it is what it is. Try again with the Mana Distiller. There’s no way that just happened again. Ha alright, let’s do it again. Come on this time, please show the goods!

Huh? What am I doing wrong here all of a sudden, or, am I just that unlucky. Alright let’s ah, try that again. That’s either some serious lucky, unlucky drops there. Or, I’ve had just like a mind blank and It’s not working. Their’s the forty Mana Sphere that we wanted, wow. We’re gonna have to do it one more time. This time we’ll apply a Speed Distiller. C’mon let’s get, get this one first-time, it would be nice. There we go, forty Speed Sphere. Now, we’re gonna quickly farm some Fortune Sphere out of Earth Eater! What are the chances we’ll get a Dark Matter drop instead of Fortune Sphere’s I wonder. Which would be a little more painful cause it takes longer. Alright Tidus, you can heal Wakka so he can do more damage. Awe no ha, Reflect, I forgot about that. Okay, knock him over. Alright, finish him off Wakka, hopefully. Got the two Fortune Sphere. So now, let’s ah quickly customise our new Durandal! And, we’re gonna apply Overdrive – AP, we’ll do Triple Overdrive and It’s turned into a Ragnarok! So let’s ah, equip that and change Tidus’s Overdrive Mode to Comrade ah, we’ll switch out Auron for Rikku to get. Actually no, not yet.

Okay so, he’s on that Mode, let’s change that to Stoic for Auron. Yep alright so, now we’ll farm Sphere Level’s from Don Tonberry um and yeah, we’ll attack with Auron and Wakka. The problem is though now, we’re gonna be defeating Don Tonberry faster. It doesn’t really matter probably. We might even quickly change ah, Tidus’s Armor. Cause I think with Break HP Limit, it affects how well the AP is received. And now, we’re gonna have to use Phoenix Down. Sacrifices that must be made. Okay that’s alright so, we’ll be taking on this Don Tonberry three times in total instead of the usual two. Having to adjust and adapt as we go. Okay let’s ah, use Haste on Tidus. So now, we wanna quickly switch in Rikku for Auron to get a few more levels for her. But, I think we’ll need to change her Overdrive Mode to Stoic. Alright, one more time. Alright, we’re just gonna attack with Wakka here and I feel like that should be enough. But let’s just do one more attack with Wakka. Okay, we messed that one up, that’s alright. We’ll just put Rikku back in Comrade and that shouldn’t matter, but maybe. We’ll just do a couple with Rikku real quick. This is becoming confusing ha.

Might even switch the Armor back on, right now it doesn’t matter, to the Auto-Phoenix and that’ll do. We don’t need too many levels for Rikku. That should be perfect. Stocking up on Phoenix Down and we’re gonna quickly tackle some Sphere Grid. Start off with Rikku. Ah so, we’ll go down in a sec. So how many moves will it take to get to there? A few. What about there? We’re gonna use a, not gonna use that. We’re gonna use a Return Sphere. Now we might use a Friend Sphere. Yep, to go to Kimahri. That worked out really well actually. Let’s not forget that! Wakka and Auron are still sorta stuck there. Now, for the main man Tidus! The cool thing about doing Tidus is that his health will now grow quite substantially high as we tackle through this Sphere Grid with him. Due to the Break HP Ability Limit. And we’re halfway through Tidus. So far, It’s been the most satisfying character to fill cause I wanna see that health raise. Tidus has got some serious health and strength gains. So, Tidus’s statistics and Sphere Grid progression. So, their’s a ‘Traveller’s Save Sphere‘. I hope you enjoyed this episode and I’ll see you on the next!

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