Final Fantasy X – MONSTER CREATION [KOTTOS] (4K) Save Sphere 4: HD Remaster | Episode ~ 149



Hello and welcome back to the one hundred and forty-ninth episode of this Final Fantasy X HD Remaster playthrough. We’re gonna first equip Wakka back with he’s World Champion and change his Overdrive Mode to Ally before we take on our next Monster Creation. Reason being, we’re gonna quickly get Wakka’s Overdrive gauge filled and I’ll likely use this a fair bit if I need to. Pretty time-efficient. Alright so, now we’re gonna take on our second Monster Creation and our specific target will be in Area Conquest, Kottos!

So, we’re gonna use Auron’s Banishing Blade cause it has a guaranteed Armor Break. Where is, It’s normally like five percent I think, which is time consuming trying to get. And also, we’re gonna apply a Power Distiller. Wakka uses Attack Reels! And that Distiller should allow us to get forty Power Sphere’s. So that’s Kottos crossed off the list. But we might quickly now farm another lot of Red Sphere’s using the same method. Ah. Alright, re-challenging Kottos! This time we’re gonna apply a Mana Distiller. That way, when we’re going the brief bit of Sphere Grid’n, we don’t run out of Red Sphere’s.

Their’s the forty Mana Sphere’s. We got one more thing to do before Sphere Grid. So let’s re-equipped Wakka with his Blowout and change his Overdrive Mode back to Comrade. We’re now gonna use the Don Tonberry trick! Whoops! Sorry there Wakka ha. Alright, we’re gonna have to quickly do it one more time, but only a couple of attacks. And that should about do it to reach ninety-nine Sphere Level’s with Wakka. There we go. Let’s have a look at our wares. Yeah, I thought we were low on Phoenix Down’s. Let’s stock up on that, doesn’t cost too much. Might even purchase ten of each Distiller.

Alright, time for some Wakka Sphere Grid! Alright, we’re gonna take Wakka down this way to use Level Three Key Sphere. At least three of them and a Level Four Key Sphere at the end. Half-way! Wakka’s learning all of Lulu’s powerful elemental attacks, pretty cool. Awe lucky, almost just missed one. Look at that, it sorta lined up perfectly, that’s crazy. Ah, displaying Wakka’s stats and Sphere Grid progression. That’s a complete circuit on the outskirt almost. A few spots we have to come back to and abilities et cetera. Very nice! So, their’s a ‘Traveller’s Save Sphere‘. I hope you enjoyed this episode and I’ll see you on the next!

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