Hello and welcome back to the one hundred and sixty-first episode of this Final Fantasy X HD Remaster playthrough. Quickly switch out Rikku for Auron, so we can take on our fourteenth Monster Creation in the Area Conquest and that is Abaddon. Auron does Banishing Blade, followed by Wakka’s Attack Reels. And down goes Abaddon, the fourteenth Monster Creation crossed off our list. We’re gonna jump straight into farming starting with Kottos twice. Tidus will apply a Power Distiller and we should get forty Power Sphere, yep. Let’s do that again, this time using the Ability Distiller!
I think there’s a rare chance that even when you use the Distiller, you’ll only get two Sphere’s dropped and it does happen sometimes. So it kinda like, works in reverse. Their’s our forty Ability Sphere. Now, we’ll farm two Fortune Sphere from the Earth Eater, provided that we get the Overkill. Okay so, I was aware that with Auron, the less damage he has. I mean, the less health he has holding the Celestial Weapon and doing damage, the more he does! But, I picked up that Wakka seems to work in reverse. So, the less health Wakka has, the less damage he will do with his Celestial Weapon. I wasn’t aware of that, until sorta now I’ve realised that. So, Celestial Weapon’s have mysterious powers.
Wakka taking care of business, almost. Our two Fortune Sphere. We’re now gonna switch out Auron back to Rikku. That way, we can do some Sphere Level farming for Rikku. Overdrive Mode’s are already set, skipping Rikku and attacking with Tidus and Wakka. We’ll need to do this twice. What is that Don Tonberry holding? It looks like a meat cleaver and a lamp, or lantern sorry. Alright, there’s the fifty Sphere Level’s we need. Fifty more doing the same process. And that should do it. Stocking up on Phoenix Down and we might even sell Weapon’s and Armor, making sure not to sell the wrong things.
So we can tidy it up a little bit and get some nice Gil gain. Okay, quickly arrange Item’s and Equipment. Now, It’s time for some Sphere Grid. So, Wakka and Auron are sorta stuck at the moment before we progress a little more. And we’ll go this way with Rikku. Alright, we’ll go up first. It’s your lucky day Rikku and we’re halfway throughout these levels. Okay so, where from here? That’s not too far away, we’ll just head there. Right there! And it looks like we forgot a Health Node. Luckily, we’re not too far away. So, Rikku’s numerical stats and overall Sphere Grid progression. Just got a little section there. So, their’s a ‘Traveller’s Save Sphere’. I hope you enjoyed this episode and I’ll see you on the next!