Final Fantasy X – ARENA [ARMOR CUSTOMIZATION] (4K) Save Sphere 2: HD Remaster | Episode ~ 147



Hello and welcome back to the one hundred and forty-seventh episode of this Final Fantasy X HD Remaster playthrough. So, today’s a nice change of pace. We’re not catching fiend’s, that’s all done. Or taking on the hard areas of this game. Today’s relaxing and rewarding experience. Looking forward to it. First, we wanna fly out to Guadosalam and there’s nothing here that we need, It’s just a cut-scene. Maybe later. Now, we’re gonna fly Fahrenheit to Besaid Island. That way, we can catch S.S Liki to Kilika Port and simultaneously collect an item from Clasko. Which is available because we encouraged him to become a Chocobo Breeder. Clasko gave Tidus a Friend Sphere. Time for a quick rest. So now, we’re gonna catch the S.S. Winno to Luca and we’re gonna head out to Luca Theater. Cause we have an abundance of Gil that we need to start spending probably. We just want to and ah, we’re gonna be purchasing all the Music and Movie Sphere’s from the Luca Theater. Which is required if you want to get the trophy. So these two here. Record all Music Sphere, but there’s actually three more that we gotta get so, we’ll leave and go back there. Their’s a special Music Sphere offer for forty thousand Gil. Now for Movie Sphere’s. Recording all Movie Sphere’s, two hundred and fifty thousand Gil and we just got the ‘Theater Enthusiast’ trophy and that’s that.

So, we can come back here anytime listening to music or watch videos. And looky who we have here. Well, based on your recommendation, let’s go see Wantz. Cause we have two Tetra Armor pieces we wanna purchase. We already have five collected during our quest, which saves us five hundred thousand Gil which is good. So, flying out to Lake Macalania where Wantz is located in the Macalania Woods, I think the south area. Ah, the Celestial Path! Where’s Wantz? I wants some Armor. Howdy! Well It’s Wantz now, he’s retiring. So, we want a Tetra Ring for Yuna and Tetra Targe for Rikku. That’s it! Alright, into the Calm Lands we fly. We’re gonna go pay our respects to none other than, Yojimbo the Fayth. One of the coolest Aeon’s in this game without a doubt. Can’t wait to use him! So, let’s go to the Cavern Of The Stolen Fayth. Use the teleporter to avoid the Dark Aeon. Chamber Of The Fayth and Yojimbo gave us a Strength Sphere. Let’s ah, pre-equipped our Celestial Weapon’s and four slotted Armor’s. That way, we can sell everything else. Everything but Variable Mog. We’ll hold on to that, It’s been a loyal Weapon. We have other No Encounter Armor now, but let’s stick with the Mog. We don’t need capturing Weapon’s anymore, that’s all taken care of. This’ll take awhile. There’s ah, a lot to be selling. Which will be good on the Gil balance. Majority of this was collected whilst fiend capturing I believe.

Now, our final rewards for all the fiend captures we’ve done. Minus the battling the free fight. Haven’t got time for that, nor are we ready for the majority of them fiend’s in the different areas: Area Conquest; Species Conquest I think and Originals. So after this, this will lead into us doing the rest of the Armor Customizations for our characters and we’re not gonna be doing our Armor Customization’s where It’s targeted to be like overpowered. Um, because that would require farming for Item’s and it could be a little too time consuming. I’d rather just have like a natural playthrough and see how it turns out with what we have through the rewards we’re getting. And what we’ve collected along the way through Steals. So, It’s gonna be a more balanced setup, I hope. That way, we should be always challenged and not just overpowered, wiping everything out. That’d be too easy. So, we’ve already collected a few of these rewards um, previously, while we were trying to get that Sigil. So, we should be almost done here, could be a couple left. Is that it? It appears so So ah, let’s quickly auto sort our Items and Equipment. Excuse me. Otherwise, we’ll be searching forever for the Equipment and here’s the fun part. So, we’ve already began customising Tidus’s Genji Shield and we’re gonna add HP + 30% and we’ll do Wakka’s next. So Auto-Phoenix, did I pass it? Auto-Reflect, Auto-Protect and Auto-Med we’re gonna do for Wakka’s Shield.

And It’s now a Miracle Comeback! Sounds cool. Sir Auron, we’ll do um, Auto-Reflect for Auron. Auto-Shell, Berserkproof probably the other way, yep, and Deathproof! So, we’ll do Yuna’s Tetra Ring, we’ll turn it into a, well, we’ll see. So Auto-Phoenix, where are you? Auto-Haste, Auto-Med and Ribbon. And It’s turned into a Holy Ring. With Rikku, we’ll change her Targe into a, we’ll find out ah. Let’s hope we have the abilities ah, Master Thief, there we go. Auto-Potion, Stoneproof and Slowproof. And It’s become a Buccaneer! Ah Kimahri, we’re gonna teach him, we’ll add the Ability I mean, Confuseproof, Poisonproof, Deathproof awe, we can’t. I’ll have to comeback for that one. Sleepproof? Okay, I’m just gonna teach Kimahri Stoneproof. I think it might be the only option sort of thing. And It’s turned into a, a Faerie Armlet Ronso Armlet! And finally, for Lulu’s we’re gonna teach her Auto-Phoenix, Auto-Regen, Zombieproof and Silenceproof. And it turned into a Phoenix Bangle! So for the um, Auto-Potion, let’s quickly sell all of our lower grade Potion’s, oops. That way, we only use the X-Potion. I think It’s capped at ten thousand more or less, so we’ll buy a heap of X-Potion. Awe we can’t, not here anyway. That’s alright um, and yeah. So that’s pretty cool way to finish this. So, their’s a ‘Traveller’s Save Sphere‘. I hope you enjoyed this episode and I’ll see you on the next!

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