Professor Sharp’s Assignment 2 [4K] HOGWARTS LEGACY // Episode • 037


T R A N S C R I P T . . .

Hello and welcome back to the thirty-seventh episode of this Hogwarts Legacy playthrough. I think we’ll do, or set the Professor Sharp’s Assignment 2 to the Charmed Compass and we should learn the new spell Diffindo for completing it. Now do we need to go to the classroom first? Perhaps not. We’re in Hogsmeade already so that’s convenient for going to J. Pippin’s. Gawd that chime must be coming from up there in the locked room. I think we’ve collected a fair bit here at Hogsmeade. Obviously there’s these instances with the locks everywhere yet to go to. Okay, Disillusionment. Can you see us or sense us Mr. Eye-Ball chest? Ah he knows we’re there. Alright let’s enter J. Pippins Potions and speak to Parry Pippin. See if we can buy ourselves the Potions that we needed. So I think Thunderbrew was one of them which will create a storm around the drinker and Invisibility perhaps. Let’s double check that we already have one I think so let’s. No we don’t. Let us buy one then.

Might as well sell our gear that we don’t use. Get some of that money back. Gawd I love the look of these stores, so much detail in a tight space. Alright so, we need to find an enemy somewhere. So we’ll just head back towards Hogwarts cause that’s where… nothing suss. Hogwarts is where we need to go once we complete our assignment. Sprint action time. I think we might go try and do that Merlin Trial and we might find an enemy. I mean, we will easily find an enemy in the Forbidden Forest. Okay alright, we have a few enemies their. Let’s go see what we can do. Firstly, I think Invisibility that way we can ambush. Let’s see how well this potion works and how long it lasts. Not long at all! Poacher Animagus. Here okay that’s worked. Oh yeah that’s just shooting. Depulso. We gotta disrupt a Poacher Animagus from over their. This guy with Depulso. C’mon cast your spell. Oh okay, that didn’t count. Ah we tried. Well the good news is we’ve completed our assignment tasks.

So we can go see Professor Sharp and get our new spell Diffindo. Let’s see if we can solve this Merlin Trial. Ewe Laceration II in a chest. Maybe we investigate this vault first, or cave, whatever it is. Hmm, we have a whirlpool. Do we risk it? Looks like we can dive. We’ve found a secret chest of sorts with an Orange Eye Of Newt Goggles downgrade and that’s it. Fair enough. Some more enemies, some Dark Mongrels. Um, let’s try and do this interruption Depulso charging Mongrel. There we go. Hmm let’s use the Mallowsweet. Is that it? Apparently not. Oh, that’s it though, nice. In the dark of night we solve a Merlin’s Trial. Hmm, let’s return to Professor Sharp. Looks like we’ve got some items here to collect but their’s locks. What a shame. Ha ha that’s gotta be the best one. Alright, gonna have to probably wait seeming that it is night-time. Oh gawd, we can only brew a Wiggenweld.

We got plenty of them. Ah we have. We consumed the Invisibility and Thunderbrew potions. Let’s learn Diffindo! New spell unlocked. That is assignment complete: Professor Sharp’s Assignment 2. Let’s see what he has to say. Their it is. Diffindo a damage spell slashes objects and enemies from afar. That sounds great. I guess we’ll start making another slot. Maybe we’ll put Reparo here and yeah. Let’s test out Diffindo against the dummy. It did say from afar so let’s see how far. Ah that is good and one more for good luck. Alright, what have we collected and unlocked? Defeat Mongrels. Ten Mongrels completed and this, complete ten duelling feats for Officer’s Hat. Excellent a new Trait we collected. Two new traits. Two new enemies: Poacher Duellist and Poacher Animagus. Their’s our Officer’s Hat! That about does it. I hope you enjoyed this episode and I’ll see you on the next!

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