T R A N S C R I P T . . .
Hello and welcome back to the thirty-ninth episode of this Hogwarts Legacy playthrough. It appears we have a few quests we can pursue but I think we’ll focus on this Side Quest: A Demanding Delivery first. Setting it to the Charmed Compass and let’s go speak with Parry Pippin at J. Pippin’s Shop in Hogsmeade. We might even Floo Flame their to save some time. We’re not quite flying a broomstick yet and while we’re there we might as well purchase some more Mallowsweet Leaves if we can, first. Never know when they’ll come in handy. Have you got any Mallowsweet there Timothy Teasdale? No you don’t. Let’s sell that. No Mallowsweet, no matter. You can see all the locks attached to doorways with Revelio. We’re here for business. Sounds like a good deal. Alright quest started, A demanding delivery side quest. We must deliver three Invisibility Potions to Fatima Lawang. Doesn’t sound too difficult. I think we’ve collected the majority of collectables that aren’t locked away in Hogsmeade. We may stumble upon a Flying Page if we’re lucky. Oh we’ve got quite the trek ahead of us. Almost two thousand steps, or however It’s calculated. We most definitely will be sprinting there, and we can’t Floo Flame cause we’ve never been there. So we’re passing Aranshire. Wow! Look how far down it is. All the way their Keenbridge. Alright, let’s see what we can’t find along the way. It’d be a nice adventure. Probably one of our last real ones on foot covering a lot of distance because I’m pretty sure we’ll be flying a broom soon. Maybe even by next quest. Oh okay, looks like we’re near something. We’re at Hogsmeade Station how cool. I think we might as well investigate. Oh Revelio Page of Hogsmeade Station Ticket Office and our character’s reached level twenty-one. Ha ha. Looks like we can’t in to the houses here though there is a Merlin’s Trail. We just might see if we can complete it, and take a look at this vendor. See if they got Mallowsweet Leaves.
Leopold Babcocke how do you do. Well, we’re not in any short supply of Wiggenweld Potion Babcocke so, oh yes, we have three Mallowsweet Leaves. Thank you, that’s what we want. We’ll use one of those Mallowsweet Leaves right now. It is a pleasant surprise. It looks like we’ve got fire required here. Um alright, let’s give it a go. Beautiful! Alright, let’s go back to seeking out Keenbridge Hamlet. Awe, it would be so nice to see one of Hogwarts trains rolling on through. I don’t know if it does. Another one, a Merlin Trial. Do we have time for another one? What are these fluttering around, It’s gotta be something. Maybe It’s like a moth, you gotta lure them, yep. Ah, where do we take them though. that’s the question. This can’t be good. Nah It’s definitely not that way. Maybe up there or down here. Let’s try this way. Oh I see another one down their. Ah this looks like something and that’ll do it. Did see one down here. Some neon sort of butterflies. Their’s another one. Uh enemies. Oh nice. Oh we’re gonna have to probably fight this enemy. Alright Depulso. Okay that’s Depulso. What can we launch him into? Maybe them rocks their. Awe airborne so maybe we have to do Levioso. There we go. Distinguished Amber Cloak in a chest and some Ashwinder Eggs. Trapped massive cat their um, yeah. Quite scattered this Merlin Trial. Hmm, the darkness is gonna make this a little harder I reckon. It could be anywhere. I really don’t like the chances of finding this final object now that It’s dark. Aye, where the hell could it be? Hopefully It’s just nearby but ah, that might help. There’s a light up, that’s what I was. So there’s one their. That’s another trial. Wait is that it their? That might be it. I just thought that was apart of the other Merlin Trial. Their it is, awesome. We really need to get back on task.
Hmm, we may just have to quickly, let’s not jump down their, go investigate these butterflies whilst we’re here. Ah their’s another Merlin Trial, maybe It’s a quick one. Okay, something over here. Let’s try and wait, stay still, yeah. Alright so what, how do we move these? Oh ah, okay. Maybe Levioso, yes. Okay maybe we just have to sort of guide it. Yes that way. Yeah! Alright, we know what we gotta do. Uh, oh well that worked out, their’s something here. Where to take this to? Up their and their. Alright we can go, wait where was it, their and where’s the other one? Their. Good job. No, almost fell down there again. What is that, I don’t care to find out. Ah, ah Accio that works. I guess that’s the way to do it. When there’s a will there’s a way. Sweet, we just done three Merlin Trials. We really should get back on course. But yeah, I wanted to see those butterflies didn’t I. Where they were ,I don’t know where they were. Their, this has gotta be the last thing. Might lead us to a oh, is that a dragon. Do you need a trimming of your hedges? Might lead us to a hidden chest. We here? Yes, thank you very much butterflies. We found a Ruined High Stairway in that chest. That’s enough challenges, odds and ends and collecting for this episode. We’ll get to the objective at hand. Okay It’s saying to go down here. Where’s that tracker going? There we go re-routed. We’ll give that a miss. Okay let’s ah, cook you, dammit and then, come here. Ah we’ll spare that Thornback. Are you serious, another Butterfly. Alright, we won’t say no to more treasure collectables. Diricawl Statue found in a chest for following the butterflies. Another vendor that might have Mallowsweet. Ah It’s Arn. Yes he has Mallowsweet. Well buy those. Slice a dangling Dugbog so, that would require Levioso I presume. How do we dangle him? Ahh! There we go nice. We’re at Keenbridge. We have a Revelio Page of The Tilted House.
Oh It’s tilted. It is too. Yes we’re hungry. Fringed House Scarf in a chest. Wiggenweld Potion in a sack and Burgundy Quidditch Gloves in another chest. We’re here instead. Keenbridge Floo Flame located. Ginger Root Revelio Page. Quick Butterbeer or two. Elegant Casual Uniform found in a chest. Oh a little secret chest or bag. I’m sure we’ll be back here at some point so we can do that later. Beehives Revelio Page! Plenty of collectables and goodies in Keenbridge. Blue Nightcap in a chest. Ah we missed that and we got a Botanical – Silver Leaf Wand Handle. That’s a good find and locks. Alright, Potion Recipe Book in a chest. Alright Fatima Lawang. Here’s the Potions Fatima, invisibility! Yes we can, ah, here’s your demonstration Fatima. It’s good product. So that Invisibility Potion only lasted like three seconds. Got any Mallowsweet Leaves? It’s like that’s the only thing that seems to be useful so far. We are definitely not running back to Hogsmeade. Ah the Rivers Edge. Yes Parry Pippin, we done what you requested. Ah whoops. Side Quest: A Demanding Delivery complete of Parry Pippin! Got a lot done there through simple exploration and It is time to check out what we got. Dragonhide Protector’s Cloak for defeating ten Dark Wizards. Highland Explorer Garb for collecting four Field Guide Pages in the Highlands. We’ll take it! Conjurations found, must have been the butterflies. We did get a couple of Revelio Pages. I guess all in the Highlands. Very nice. That’ll do Diffindo Mastery. Ashwinder Eggs, did we just only discover them then. Maybe we have previously. I think that Potion Recipe Book of Lawang’s was what was there maybe, or there as a quest item. I don’t know, didn’t get to see. Alright, eh, doesn’t suit this wand. We’ll rock the Teal Blue – Corkscrew wand handle for a bit and we’re gonna wear the Distinguished Amber Cloak. Very distinguished, and most definitely that Elegant Casual Uniform. Alright, that wraps it up but let’s sell what we don’t need real quick. I hope you enjoyed this episode and I’ll see you on the next!