Hello and welcome back to the twenty-fourth episode of this Hogwarts Legacy playthrough. We might just wander around, see if we can bump into anybody with no particular direction. It’s so hard to sorta know where you’re going in this castle. Perhaps we might find some collectables. Can hear a chime. Sounds upstairs. Alright, let’s go up this ladder and we’re in the Divination Class, and that’s where the chime is. We have a Revelio Page of Palmistry Model and a chest with a First-Year Cap! You must be Natsai Onai’s mother Professor Onai. This guys playing the Lute or some instrument. A-hem. Aha! We got nowhere to really go. Okay their’s a speech bubble that’s just popped up on the mini-map. Let’s try and find that potential lead. I don’t know if It’s up or down. I’m sure we’ve pretty much come back to where we were, but now we’re going out here. Fantastic Duncan. Got another one of these Levioso statues for a Field Guide Page. At least we’re making progress. I don’t know if we’re having a great deal of luck finding anybody. We might have to go to the quests and set a quest. Their’s something here, moth frame. Let’s check it out. Okay, we’ll that’s an obvious spot, but where is that? Stairs in a circle, oh, right their! Oh the Great Hall. We have a Revelio Page The Great Hall Ceiling! Excellent, and Owl Lectern.
This chest has forty-three Gold Galleons and we about cleared this area out for now. Let’s grab this moth by Lumos’ing and luring it back to It’s frame. Oh, Great Hall Floo Flames location discovered and you live here Mr. Moth. We might set Potions Class. Let’s go do that. Aha, Flying Guide Page found. We’ve had some good success today finding some collectables. We got a chest down there. Don’t know how to get to that yet. Probably has something to do with whatever these are, the fire showpieces. Good day to you sir! Potions Classroom Floo Flames found and that elf just evaporated. Alright so, let’s do the Main Quest: Potions Class! Looks like everyone’s leaving. Guys, we’re just getting started here. We have a good knack of arriving when everything’s finished. Let’s collect what we can first though. One Gold Galleon of loose change. This Revelio Page is Professor Sharp’s Auror Badge! Let us observe this Auror Badge. Can’t really get too close to it. Alright, let’s wait probably a whole twenty-four hours and quest begin. Yes, the Wiggenweld Potion. Adding Horklump Juice, two lots of it. Let’s stir the cauldron. Nice, tasty Wiggenweld Potion. It was certainly luck brewing that Wiggenweld Potion Professor Sharp. Let’s interact with Violet. Let’s get acquainted with Ominis Gaunt.
So Professor Sharp’s allowing us to collect some of he’s resources. I think we might be able to grab you that Fwooper Feather Garreth. No doubt! Okay, their’s the Fwooper Feather new collection. Nice, Mongrel Fur also picked up. We might be taking things we’re not meant to. Ashwinder Eggs found. Plenty of collection today. Another note, probably none of our business. What’s in this chest? Blue Leather Gloves. Is that everything? It appears so. Fair enough Amit. Alright Garreth Weasley, here’s your feather. He sounds like a nice chap Amit Thakkar. Alright, let’s brew us the Edurus Potion. Alright, we got a Potions Station unlocked here. Looks similar to the planting of that plant at pot station there in Herbology. Wiggenweld, Edurus. Okay yeah, we needed the Ashwinder Eggs and Mongrel Fur. Edurus Potion enhances the drinker’s defence by covering with a durable rocky skin. And It’s only a thirty second creation here. Stir. Well, why we’re here, let’s brew us a Felix Felicis. We have Lacewing Flies and a Fluxweed Stem. This ones a minute recipe. I think why we wait let’s, ewe, what’s going on here.
Not before we collect our Felix Felicis. We got no problem owning up to Professor Sharp. We’ve in fact brewed two different potions and we cannot do anymore. We haven’t got enough ingredients. Alright, time to fess up as the accomplice of that disaster. Splendid! That’s the main quest Potions Class complete and I do think this might have been the most enjoyable class so far. I mean this classroom is just fantastic. Well, what have you got to say for yourself Garreth Weasley? Perhaps a Butterbeer to celebrate Garreth Weasley? Okay fair enough, perhaps another time ha. Alright, let’s see what we’ve collected. We’ve got the Ashwinder Eggs and Mongrel Fur ingredients. And we found a few Revelio Pages. Three to be precise, maybe four. We missed one. There we go. Okay, it says we got resources but it didn’t appear in the slot area. Maybe It’s too early in the game to have it showing. Any improvements for some gloves and headwear? No. Well we can’t use that. We’re gonna wrap this up here. I hope you enjoyed this episode and I’ll see you on the next!