Hello and welcome back to the twenty-ninth episode of this Hogwarts Legacy playthrough. We’re gonna go back to the Hogwarts Castle and see if we can find some student to talk to, to activate the next quest. I know we’ve already been in here, but I’ve just realised actually what this building is by these pumpkins here. A-hem. Let’s try Expelliarmus. No cigar. A-hem. Let’s Floo Flame towards the Great Hall. There’s definitely a student there we can talk to. Oh you can set a marker. I didn’t realise that. That’ll come in handy if I don’t want to Floo Flame. Okay and who might we have here? Certainly. We have a moment and your leaving. Is it pass your bedtime? Guess we gotta wait. Back again I see. Let’s talk to Garreth Weasley! Secret Passage? Right up my street. Okay so, Honeydukes must be confectionery. We’ll give it a try mister Weasley. So this is Side Quest: ‘Dissending’ For Sweets! We can still talk to Garreth, let’s see what he has to say. Alright, we have a plan of action. Faculty Tower Floo Flame discovered. Oh there. Oh, we have a Revelio Page – Honeydukes Passageway. Excellent! We’ve ran straight past here before I’m sure. Never even noticed this statue. What was it Dissendio or something Dissendium! Alright, we’re in the One-Eyed Witch Passage. So let’s explore the secret passage and see if it leads us to Honeydukes safely or not.
This is in Hogwarts Castle or just on the outside of it? How do we get down? Definitely don;t wanna fall. Oh of course, Reparo! We have a chest with a Solar Protection Goggles in it. We have two switches, let’s try this one. Indeed a-hem. There’s something over their. Silver Half-Rim Spectacles in a chest. Something we’re gonna just sell at some point. Okay, we got some Horklump Juice, a new ingredient. I thought they were Moonstone so I was trying to Basic Cast it. Obviously we need Incendio to burn the web and their’s a chest with a Grey Nightcap. Is that a dragonfly, holy. Has a feather on it and it looks like the, looks like the Levioso symbol. But before we do that, did we check up here first. Okay It’s just there anyway. There we go, we’ve lifted the platform. This is like proper cave exploration. House Emblem Scarf found in that chest. There appears to be chests over this way. This is some murky water. Sanguine Mask. Do some freestyle swimming, It’s faster. No sweat. Reparo! We’re getting a good practice with various spells to make our way through this cave. Is this a Reparo job? Yes indeed. Okay, did that do something? Yes. The dungeon delvers. We got a toad. We elect you toad as our house pet. That was a sick dive there.
Didn’t know it was gonna do that. Another Asylum Mask. Looks like fire pits so, watch out toad. We are not very accurate with our Incendio. Oh. Dark Arts Duelling Gloves in that chest. Let’s climb this ladder into Honeydukes. Now we must find the Billywig Stings. Ewe, Fringed House Scarf in that chest. Can hear a Revelio Page. That’s better. The page is probably up stairs in the shop. Oh there we go, Billywig Stings collected. I don’t think we can go this way, their’s a lock. Oh, we’ve managed to sneak into Honeydukes back door and their’s the Revelio Page – Exploding Bonbons. All the candy until your hearts content. Fascinating fairy floss. Aha, this Revelio Page is Fizzing Whizzbees! Let’s test out these Fizzing Whizzbees and we’re levitating. So we’re in Hogsmeade. Okay, this Revelio Page is Honeydukes. Nice catch there with that Flying Page. North Hogsmeade Floo Flame’s discovered. Oh right their. Hengist Of Woodcroft Revelio Page. I think we might, I wonder if we can go back through that passage. Either way, I think we might just ah Floo Flame back to Garreth Weasley because It’s already been quite long. We’ll go to Hogwarts North Exit. Let’s have a look, I can hear that Revelio Page. It’s too tempting to look for it. Oh Thestral found. Okay, their’s a lock there. A male Thestral and a female. Are they mating?
Well not literally, but will they be breeding at some point? A-hem. Okay, we got something to do but not right this second. We’ll remember that. Halt! We got him, good job. Their’s Garreth. Hello hello. That is ‘Dissending’ For Sweets quest complete and our character’s reached level sixteen. Pretty fun. The cave exploration was a lot of fun for sure. Let’s see just what we’ve collected. We got quite a bit. Okay, we’ve now got that Zonko’s Chief Prankster Spectacles. Claim the reward for that challenge and Conjurations Quidditch Board. Their’s the Horklump Juice. Ah, their’s the Threstral beast. Cool. Fwooper? I didn’t notice that last time. Maybe that’s only just appeared. Might have to double check that. Their’s our reward and we found four Revelio Pages at Hogsmeade which was nice and one at Hogwarts. Horklump Juice is a resource. Now I know we got a few better equipment during that activity. We’ll put on the Dark Arts Duelling Gloves. They look sick. And the Sanguine Mask is what we’re gonna wear. Ha, interesting look. Now we look like a dark wizard secretly working for Harlow or Rookwood. Whatever his name was. Was it Theophilus Harlow and someone Rookwood. Anyway. Okay, no neck wear worth changing. Gonna wrap it up here. I hope you enjoyed this episode and I’ll see you on the next!