Hogwarts Legacy • Playthrough (100% Checklist)



Here’s a unique take on the Hogwarts Legacy experience.
All COLLECTIONS in episode (Ep. #001) were given after the game was updated to the latest version prior to commencing the playthrough.

Ep. #001The Path To Hogwarts Hogwarts LegacyThe Path To Hogwarts
Felix Felicis

Merlin’s Cloak
Charms Professor Robe
Azkaban Prisoner Coat
Silver Dragon-Eyed Spectacles
Circular Taped Spectacles
Charms Professor Spectacles
Charms Professor Gloves
Urchin Hat
Charms Professor Tasselled Kufi
Carmine Lightning Bolt Scarf
Charms Professor Scarf
Lilac Ensemble
Charms Professor Outfit
Azkaban Prisoner Uniform
Basic Cast (Essential)
Protego (Essential)
Stupefy (Essential)
Revelio (Essential)
Lumos (Utility)
Ep. #002Welcome To HogwartsWelcome To Hogwarts
House-Elf Recipe Book
(Hufflepuff Basement Stairs)
Wizard’s Field Guide
+260 XP
Ep. #003Main Quest Charms Class Hogwarts LegacyCharms Class
Accio (Force)
+260 XP
Ep. #004Main Quest Defence Against The Dark Arts ClassDefence Against The Dark Arts Class
Leviosa (Control)
+260 XP
Ep. #005Main Quest Weasley After Class Hogwarts LegacyWeasley After Class
Ep. #006Assignment: Professor Ronen's Assignment Hogwarts LegacyProfessor Ronen’s Assignment
Reparo (Utility)
+150 XP
Ep. #007Side Quest Crossed Wands: Round 1 Hogwarts LegacyCrossed Wands: Round 1
Haunted Toilets
Lachlan The Lanky
(Gryffindor Tower)
+180 XP
Ep. #008Side Quest Gobs Of Gobstones Hogwarts LegacyGobs Of Gobstones
Map Of Argyllshire
(Gryffindor Tower)

Augurey Skeleton
Painting Of Illyius
(Defence Against The Dark Arts Tower)

Wyvern Fountain
(Transfiguration Courtyard)

Central Hall Fountain
(Central Hall)

Portrait Of Sir Cadogan
(Viaduct Entrance)

Troll Armour
Goblet Of Fire Casket
Trophy Room
House-Elf Armour
Centaur Armour
(Trophy Room)

Moving Staircase
(Grand Staircase)
Orbicular – Violet
(Wand Handles)
+180 XP
Ep. #009Main Quest Welcome To Hogsmeade Hogwarts LegacyWelcome To Hogsmeade
Statue Of Gregory The Smarmy
(Central Hall)

Wooden Cat
Flattened Armour
Broken Broom
Three Sisters Bells
Goblin Artefact
Scorch Marks
(Bell Tower)
Potting Table With A Small Pot
Small Potions Station

Hogwarts Regalia Spectacles
Legendary Gloves
Hogwarts Regalia Gloves
Hogwarts Regalia Hat

Leaping Toadstool Caps

Edurus Potion
Wiggenweld Potion

Armoured Troll
Ancient Magic Throw (Essential)
Ancient Magic (Essential)
+260 XP
Ep. #010Side Quest Like A Moth To Frame Hogwarts LegacyLike A Moth To Frame
Hufflepuff Barrels
Pear Portrait
(Hufflepuff Basement)

Kelpie Statue
(Slytherin Dungeon)
Bookish Half-Rim Spectacles
Cobalt Regalia
+180 XP
Ep. #011Side Quest The Locket's Secret Hogwarts LegacyThe Locket’s Secret
Corkscrew – Teal Blue
(Wand Handles)
Ep. #012Side Quest Cache In The Castle Hogwarts LegacyCache In The Castle
History Of Magic Windows
(History Of Magic)

Urn Of Ashes
Sleeping Dragon Statue

Serpentine Beast Window
(Defence Against The Dark Arts Tower)
Authentic Historian’s Uniform
+180 XP
Ep. #013Side Quest Crossed Wands: Round 2 Hogwarts LegacyCrossed Wands: Round 2
Hebridean Black Skeleton
(Defence Against The Dark Arts)

Portrait Of Baruffio
(Faculty Tower)
Corkscrew – Light And Dark Brown
(Wand Handles)
+180 XP
Ep. #014Side Quest Spell Combination Practice 1Spell Combination Practice 1
The Well Of Four Beasts
(Clock Tower Courtyard)
+180 XP
Ep. #015Assignment Professor Hecat's Assignment 1 Hogwarts LegacyProfessor Hecat’s Assignment 1
Top Of The Class Scarf
Incendio (Damage)
+150 XP
Ep. #016Main Quest Secrets Of The Restricted Section Hogwarts LegacySecrets Of The Restricted Section
The Old Librarian
Botanical – Gold Leaf
(Wand Handles)

Pensieve Sentry
Pensieve Sentinel
Petrificus Totalis (Essential)
Disillusionment (Utility)
Mysterious Book (Quest Item)
+260 XP
Ep. #017Side Quest Venomous Valour Hogwarts LegacyVenomous Valour
(Hogwarts Grounds)

Dirigible Plums
Greenhouse Tree
Venomous Tentacula

Venomous Tentacula Robe
Hogwarts Regalia Ensemble
+180 XP
Ep. #018Main Quest Tomes And Tribulations Hogwarts LegacyTomes And Tribulations
Legendary Cape
+260 XP
Ep. #019Side Quest Crossed Wands: Round 3 Hogwarts LegacyCrossed Wands: Round 3
Crossed Wands Champion Garb
+180 XP
Ep. #020Side Quest Spell Combination Practice 2 Hogwarts LegacySpell Combination Practice 2
Lucky Leprechaun Gloves
+180 XP
Ep. #021Main Quest The Girl From Uagadou Hogwarts LegacyThe Girl From Uagadou
The Hogwarts Architect
House Point Hourglasses
(Reception Hall)

Hogwarts Crest
(Entrance Hall)

Groundskeeper’s Tools
(Small Shack South Hogwarts)
Ep. #022Main Quest Herbology ClassHerbology Class

Dittany Leaves
Fluxweed Stem
Knotgrass Sprig
Mallowsweet Leaves

Chinese Chomping Cabbage
+260 XP
Ep. #023Assignment Professor Hecat's Assignment 2 Hogwarts LegacyProfessor Hecat’s Assignment 2
Lacewing Flies

Poacher Tracker
Poacher Stalker
Expelliarmus (Damage)
+150 XP
Ep. #024Main Quest Professor Sharp's Potions ClassPotions Class
Palmistry Model
(Divination Class)

The Great Hall Ceiling
Owl Lectern
(Great Hall)

Professor Sharp’s Auror Badge
(Potions Class)
Fwooper Feather
Mongrel Fur
Ashwinder Eggs

+260 XP
Ep. #025Cressida Blume Side Quest Flying Off The ShelvesFlying Off The Shelves
Enchanted Books
(The Restricted Section)
Avian – Grey
(Wand Handles)
300 Galleons (Optional)
+180 XP
Ep. #026Grace Pinch-Smedley The Last AstrolabeThe Lost Astrolabe
Partial Transfiguration
(Transfiguration Class)
Cottongrass Dugbog

Mermaid Mask
+180 XP
Ep. #027Arn Carted Away Hogwarts LegacyCarted Away
Hebridean Black Scale
(Archie’s Tent – Hogwarts Valley)
Celestial – Blue
Shell – Metallic
(Wand Handles)

Thornback Shooter
Dark Mongrel
Loyalist Warrior
Loyalist Ranger
Loyalist Assassin
Loyalist Sentinel

Goblin-Made Helmet
+180 XP
Ep. #028Nora Treadwell Trials Of MerlinTrials Of Merlin
Ashwinder Duellist
Ashwinder Scout
+260 XP
Ep. #029Garreth Weasley 'Dissending' For Sweets‘Dissending’ For Sweets
Honeydukes Passageway
(One-Eyed Witch Passage)

Exploding Bonbons
Fizzing Whizzbees

Hengist Of Woodcroft
(North Hogsmeade)
Horklump Juice


Quidditch Board

Zonko’s Chief Prankster Spectacles

300 Galleons (Optional)
+180 XP
Ep. #030Leander Prewett Summoner's Court: Match 1Summoner’s Court: Match 1
Botanical – Bronze Leaf
(Wand Handles)

Magical Diagrams

Secret Solver’s Bathing Costume
+180 XP
Ep. #031Eldritch Diggory Prisoner Of LovePrisoner Of Love
Frog Choir
(Bell Tower Musical Room)

Slytherin’s Sink
(Slytherin Dungeon Girls Bathroom)

Zonko’s Joke Shop
(Zonko’s Joke Shop)

Water Well
(Upper High Street)

Gladrags Mannequin
Gladrags Wizardwear
(Gladrags Wizardwear)
Zonko’s Chief Prankster Hat
+260 XP
Ep. #032Claire Beaumont Breaking CampBreaking Camp
Pumpkin Fizz
(Upper Hogsfield)
Shell – Grey
Checkerboard – Teal
(Wand Handles)

Goblin-Silver Resistance I

Stag Skull Decoration

Highland Explorer Cap
Officer’s Uniform
+180 XP
Ep. #033Hogwarts Legacy Ghost Of Our LoveGhost Of Our Love
Tea Shop Decor
(Steepley And Sons)

(Dervish And Banges)

The Three Broomsticks
(The Three Broomsticks)

Ollivanders Wand Shop
(Ollivanders – Lower High Street)

Hogsmeade Community Garden
(Hog’s Head Alley)

Hog’s Head Docks
Mounted Hog’s Head
(Hog’s Head)
Zonko’s Chief Prankster Coat
Treasure-Seeker’s Scarf
+180 XP
Ep. #034Richard Jackdaw Jackdaw's RestJackdaw’s Rest
Leech Juice
Spider Fang

Thornback Scurriour
Thornback Hatchling
Thornback Matriarch
Pensieve Protector

Spider Slayer Armour
Spider Slayer Helmet

+260 XP
Ep. #035Assignment Professor Sharp's Assignment 1Professor Sharp’s Assignment 1
J. Pippin’s Potions
(J. Pippin’s Potions)

The Magic Neep Cart
(Magic Neep)

Abandoned Shop
(The Old Fool)

The Dogweed And Deathcap Tree
(Dogweed And Deathcap)
Dugbog Tongue

Dugbog Tongue

Maxima Potion
Focus Potion
Depulso (Force)
+150 XP
Ep. #036Side Quest Follow The ButterfliesFollow The Butterflies
Butterbeer Barrels
(The Three Broomsticks – Upper High Street)

Frog Spawn Soap
(Zonko’s Joke Shop)

Ceridwen’s Precarious Cauldrons
(Ceridwen’s Cauldrons – Lower High Street)
Great Spined Dugbog

Flower Box
+180 XP
Ep. #037Assignment: Professor Sharp's Assignment 2Professor Sharp’s Assignment 2
Officer’s Hat

Invisibility Potion
Thunderbrew Potion

Poacher Duellist
Poacher Animagus

Lupus Protection I
Laceration II
Diffindo (Damage)
+150 XP
Ep. #038Hogwarts Legacy Main Quest Flying ClassFlying Class
Legendary Armoured Attire
+260 XP
Ep. #039Hogwarts Legacy A Demanding DeliveryA Demanding Delivery
Hogsmeade Station Ticket Office
(Hogsmeade Station)

The Tilted House
Ginger Root
Dragonhide Protector’s Cloak
Highland Explorer Garb Potioneer’s Cap

Botanical – Silver Leaf
(Wand Handles)

Ruined High Stairway
Diricawl Statue
300 Galleons, or up to 500 Galleons if you request additional payment.
+180 XP
Ep. #040Side Quest Flight Test Hogwarts LegacyFlight Test
Spintwitches Sporting Needs
(Spintwitches Sporting Needs – Hogsmeade)
Lucky Leprechaun Hat

Dark Lightning Broom
Lavender Borealis Broom
+180 XP