Hello and welcome back to the one hundred and second episode of this Grand Theft Auto Vice City The Definitive Edition playthrough. Today, we’re heading to the A+B Auto here, for Vice Street Racer event number six. The final race of the A+B Auto series, I guess. And it has an entrance fee of ten thousand GTA dollars for V.C. Endurance!
And it looks like a massive race. And I think what will be fitting for the race, will be our new car in the showroom here at Sunshine Auto’s. The Deluxo. Looks like a decent ride. Starting grid out the front, I like that. Oh my gawd. It’s a really nice feel this car. It slides really well. A little bit of weight.
Ah, I just got the bronze trophy ‘Don’t Need Roads’. I don’t know what that’s for exactly. Anyway, let’s concentrate on this race. Very nice car the Deluxo. Wow, this may be my favourite Vice City car, so far anyway. I think we have a substantial lead. This is clearly the funnest race so far too.
And new best time of four minutes and fifty-eight seconds and we won forty thousand GTA dollars. Very nice! And we’ll just head back to Sunshine Autos. Very nice car to drive the Deluxo. I hope you enjoyed this episode and I’ll see you on the next!