Hello and welcome back to the one hundred and nineteenth episode of this Grand Theft Auto Vice City The Definitive Edition playthrough. Before we came here to the Hyman Condo we received a phone call from Mr. Black. So let’s go see what he has in store for us. So off to Little Havana we go. Whoa big accident. Crazy van driver! Their’s the phone booth at the supermarket. This is Mr. Black in Loose Ends!
Alright, we must arm our self here. Cherry Popper Ice Cream company’s compound. We have to get to the roof, kill everybody and steal the merchandise. Oops. Switch for the MP, oi! It did say kill everybody so I guess we gotta do just that. Bloody hell, how far away do you wanna be. Oh, we’re out of ammunition for the Sniper. Do we need to go this way? Probably not. Nice, we got some more Body Armor. Alright, let’s make our way up.
Ah I see, so we were heading the right way. It makes sense why there was plenty of enemies this way. Infinite Sprint! Two very close health pickups. Here’s the Cherry Popper Ice Cream. If that doesn’t give it away, I don’t know what would. Nice, let’s grab the merchandise and sneaky. Looks like we’re flying the Maverick to the airport, very nice. Their’s the helipad, brace for landing.
Mission passed, sixteen hundred GTA dollars for the reward and ‘Gun For Hire’ bronze trophy at the same time. And we’re just gonna use this helicopter. I suppose we’ll go to Vercetti’s Estate. Pretty good ah, Mr. Black mission. Have we gone the wrong side? No. And I do believe that’s Mr. Black complete for the payphone missions. Hence why we got a big payday. Ha, I hope you enjoyed this episode and I’ll see you on the next!