T R A N S C R I P T . . .
Hello and welcome back to the fourth episode of this Grand Theft Auto Vice City The Definitive Edition playthrough. So, we’re leaving the Ocean View Hotel and we’ll take this Oceanic vehicle to Ken Rosenberg. And we’ve upset the Vice Police! We evaded the Police. Hold ‘X’ to run and ‘square’ to jump. Alright, we’re gonna take this Faggio, interesting name.
So, Ken Rosenberg wants us to go to the Malibu Club to find this Kent Paul who has the scoop on all the filth in Vice City. Club Malibu! Such in English saying – knock you spark out. Alright, Kent Paul suggested we go check out this Chef. Their’s a Chef with a top hat. ‘R2’ to attack the Chef. How do you block?
Pick up the Chef’s cell phone, we have a cell phone. ‘L2’ to auto-target. ‘R2’ to fire! Alright let’s just run. Three Chef’s with meat cleavers. So Lance Vance wants us to go get some heat. I guess for now, all we can get is a Pistol of some sort. Here we are at Ammu-Nation! A little tutorial of Ammu-Nation. Let’s holster that Pistol. Alright we’ll buy. All we can buy is a Pistol Clip.
We haven’t got enough money for the Mac. That’ll do us. We’ll drive Lance Vance’s Infernus back to Ocean View Hotel to save it. I like it how the GPS takes you through back alleyways and stuff. So that’s Back Alley Brawl mission passed. Two hundred dollars GTA as the reward. Just gonna quickly save it. I hope you enjoyed this episode and I’ll see you on the next!