T R A N S C R I P T . . .
Hello and welcome back to the thirty-eighth episode of this Hogwarts Legacy playthrough. Today, we’re gonna set our Flying Class: Main Quest and then go see Madam Kogawa. So we’ll track it to the Charmed Compass, which should just be outside in the castle grounds. Well that looks new. Alright, here we are. Hopefully not us falling from our broom. Ah, their’s a Floo Flame. Flying Class Lawn Floo Flames location discovered.
Well this is exciting if we can now fly broomsticks. Completely change the dynamic. Ha, see if we can call it up. Yes we can. No way, that is so cool. Whoa, galloping, da-dem, da-dem. Okay, let’s fly through these three rings. Ah this is too cool. Hold ‘R2’ to go faster and enter forward flight! Yeah it is. This is marvellous. Well I think we’ve seen around the castle Everett Clopton and we’re most definitely interested in trying this.
We’re keeping up with Everett. ‘L2’ speed boost! That’s what I was going to say, we’re getting a good tour of the castle grounds now. Ha ha, falcon whistle Madam Kogawa. Appreciate it. Perhaps we’ll visit Spintwitches next. That’s main quest Flying Class complete and that was something else! Okay, Owl Post from Sebastian Sallow and Parry Pippin, and Professor Weasley. Looks like we might be going to Hogsmeade next.
Let’s see what some of these students have to say. Let’s talk to Madam Kogawa before she goes inside. Kogawa! So can we fly? Maybe not yet, we might have to go buy a broom or something. With that said, let’s see if we got any collectables/challenges. Okay we got the Legendary Armoured Attire for completing six main story quests and that’s about it. That was an exhilarating experience and looking forward to flying around in the future. So I think we’ll wrap it up here. I hope you enjoyed this episode and I’ll see you on the next!